How do we make sure all children are included?
A member of our senior leadership team has the role of SENCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities coordinator). Their role is to ensure that all children are included and have equal access to the curriculum, regardless of any special educational need or disability they may have. They also ensures children who are more able have their needs met. The SENCo supports staff in identifying any additional needs, coordinating provision across school and evaluating the impact of interventions. Mrs Ottewell is our SENCo and she can be contacted via the school office (01773 743354 /
If you have any concerns about your child, the first person to talk to is their class teacher or our Learning Mentor. If it is necessary, then a plan will be made to help your child overcome their barrier to learning. You and your child will be involved in building this.
Children with complex needs may require an Education Health Care Plan (previously known as Statements of Educational Need) which is applied for through the Local Authority.
We are committed to achieving equal opportunities through our provision, aiming for the highest level of achievement for pupils, irrespective of race, gender, disability, age or class.
For more information see our key documents or click here to access the local offer.
Key documents and support for parents can be found here